Shaping a unifying global idea for food systems transformation.

 We developed a brand and creative platform for a global inter-governmental organisation, looking to transform food systems, in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development goals. This project followed a major Food Systems Summit in New York in 2021, involving the UN Secretary General and many Heads of State. our work programme focused on changing mindsets and behaviour through communications, and encouraging closer collaboration amongst multiple stakeholders engaged in food systems transformation around the world, under the banner of ‘Feed the World Smarter’.


Speaking truth to power and unlocking new funds.

As part of this strategy and creative platform, we developed a series of hard-hitting messages designed to make governments around the world face up to uncomfortable truths about broken or malfunctioning food supply chains. It was also the foundation for eye-catching appeals for increased funding from developed economies and NGOs, which is essential to make real change happen.

 Driving culture and behaviour change from farm gate to food factory.

Changing culture and behaviour requires specific actions in local communities, expressed in simple language, which resonates with local audiences. With this in mind, we developed a series of messages designed to influence farmers, local co-operatives, and industry sector bodies to make food supply chains more sustainable for the benefit of all.

Harnessing the power of the mind to challenge the status quo.

Building on our unifying idea for food systems transformation, we created a new brand identity and comms platform for the Conscious Food Systems Alliance (COFSA), an international multi-stakeholder partnership, looking to use mindfulness tools and techniques to tackle difficult problems in food supply chains.

Learning better by sharing smarter thinking.

A further extension of our work in food systems transformation came in the form of a new brand identity and communications platform for Green Commodities Community. GCC is a global training and education organisation, spreading best practice on how to grow and trade more sustainably, particularly in developing countries.

Reimagining food production to benefit people, planet and commerce.

We created a brand strategy, new logo, identity, and creative platform for SmartParc, an innovative sustainable food business park, which has just opened in Derby, with HelloFresh as anchor tenant. SmartParc is committed to reducing food miles, food waste, and energy costs through shared services. It also has plans for a Technology Innovation Centre and wildlife park, open to tenants and the local community.

We worked in partnership with the SmartParc leadership team, SEGRO property developers, CBRE real estate agents, and TSL construction to develop a clear positioning for SmartParc, based on Food Production Reimagined. The new identity is being rolled out across corporate communications, website, site signage, vehicles and clothing.

Becoming a global force in technical construction.

TSL is a fast-growing international construction company, specialising in commercial and industrial buildings, in advanced manufacturing, data centres, food, logistics, and pharmaceuticals. They have a great reputation for quality, and an amazing blue chip client list, but their brand and communications needed to be updated to reflect this. We worked with digital agency Engine Creative to refresh their website and messaging to bring it more into line with their positioning as ‘leaders in technical construction’.


Finding a new beat to improve health and wellbeing.

The Young Urban Arts Foundation (YUAF) does an amazing job taking music, music tech and art classes to young urban communities around London, in a mobile studio bus, and through online workshops. Their aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of young people by encouraging them to explore their creativity. They needed a strong unifying idea. A beat which ambassadors and followers could march to. So we created ‘Find Your Beat, Live Your Beat’, which sits at the heart of their identity and marketing programme. We also developed a series of communications to promote recruitment, engagement, and fundraising.


Making partnerships count for an ambitious independent production company.

HeadsUp was set up several years ago by two of the leading names in advertising production. More recently they were joined by a third partner, from a top London agency. Together they have become a significant independent production company with a blue-chip client base. Their brand, website and communications needed a re-fresh, and we developed a new brand proposition, identity and creative platform based on ‘Partners in Production’. We also focused on building direct relationships with brands, as market needs for content creation changed.

Diverse thinking creates beautiful breakthroughs.

Creating distinctive communications in the education sector is not easy with so much choice and competition. We worked with agency partner Hunterlodge on a new creative platform for Russell Group university Queen Mary’s, University of London. This highlighted how its diverse student body from different social backgrounds and countries all around the world, led to divergent thinking in science, technology and the arts. This fusion of perspectives helps to create ‘beautiful breakthroughs’, expressed joyfully through explosions of colour.

Opening minds to promote fresh creative thinking.

The UK is rightly proud of its leadership in the creative industries. Our old friend and colleague Patrick Collister runs The Directory, which is a gold mine of innovation and best practice in advertising, direct marketing, digital and social. He asked us to help with an awareness campaign showcasing its value, by demonstrating how all the top names in the industry (including our own Paul Brazier) value open minds as the best route to fresh thinking.


Turning a charity fundraiser into a social movement.

We worked with online charity Doves for Peace to create a new identity. This design captured beautifully the link between children at risk in war zones, and the ambition to bring them better lives by ending conflict. Famous people were invited to draw or paint doves, which were auctioned online for the benefit of Save the Children and then UNICEF. Contributors included David Bowie, Bob Geldof, Anthony Gormley, Stephen Fry, Joanna Lumley and Zoe Wanamaker.


Changing the way we live, by dreaming big and building better.

We partnered with global creative agency BBDO on film scripts, and communications ideas, capturing the achievements of an international construction giant in reinventing building materials to reduce environmental impact. Our ideas brought to life a range of innovations from lighter stronger skyscrapers to more sustainable and affordable buildings for families in developing countries.


Encouraging people to think differently about a miracle plant.

Hemp is an incredibly versatile plant with a long history of cultivation around the world. Originally used for rope, it has a multitude of uses from food to medical to personal care to household to construction. We worked with two different companies looking to re-present this miracle plant to new audiences as part of a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, whilst staying within government restrictions on promoting cannabinoids.


Making closer connections with clients to help them make the right investment choices.

Investment marketing is one of the key battlegrounds for encouraging more responsible and sustainable behaviour in the corporate world. We worked with two different investment firms on sharpening their communications to showcase a focus on closer relationships, and the launch of a new digital platform reaching out to younger and more ESG aware investors.


Bringing people back to the West End to get the economy moving.

Post COVID recovery is high on the agenda for many organisations, but also for cities and regions. We worked with a London-based promotional organisation on an integrated campaign, designed to bring workers, out of town visitors and tourists back to the West End in a safe and sustainable way. The creative platform highlighted all the measures taken by retailers, businesses, and local authorities to welcome the world back to the city’s commercial hub. It also set up a partnership, branding and merchandising opportunity to give the West End a fresh competitive edge.


Bringing buzz and excitement to fintech innovation.

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London is the global hub for commercial insurance, but operating methods needed to be updated to retain this competitive edge. We worked with a fintech specialist on promotion of a breakthrough digital platform, which automated key parts of the process, allowing brokers and underwriters to focus on assessing risk and building relationships. The campaign featured eye-catching stunts, installations, and OOH media, to capture the imagination of a relatively small group of key insurance industry decision-makers.

Thanks to Dmitry Ratushny for supplying the imagery