Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier

Beautiful Minds.

Paul Brazier was honoured to be included in the Amazing Dyslexics, Beautiful Minds exhibition at the Design Museum.

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Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier

Our ideas are having an impact.

We’ve reached our first birthday, and what a year it’s been for everyone. For us, the first 6 months were quite tough, for obvious reasons. But we’ve built momentum in the second half, as the marketing world started to open up. 

Our ideas are making an impact with a growing band of clients. Thanks to them, and our network for opening doors, making introductions, and helping us on our way.

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Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier Andrew Pinkess & Paul Brazier

Not easy, but we’re up and flying.

We began at the beginning of the year, pre Covid and officially launched on 5th of June, World environment day.

Well, a launch takes a lot of effort. We had a nice splash in Campaign magazine then got our little legs paddling like fury and powered up our wings to gain just enough momentum to lift us off the water.


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