FoodEX - Thinking Beyond Packaging.

My visit to Foodex was a fascinating experience that left me with a deep appreciation for the tremendous effort food and drink companies put into showcasing their products. As I wandered through the exhibit halls, I was amazed by the sheer number of businesses present, all trying to grab the attention of attendees and make a lasting impression.

What particularly caught my attention was the emphasis on packaging and brand design. Many companies had invested significant time and effort in creating packaging and identities that would catch the eye of potential customers. 

This reminded me of the old story of the Guinness family's condition on only creating advertising that was as well-crafted as their product itself, which ultimately has helped the product become the number one drink in the UK.

One brand truly stood out was a gin brand with beautifully crafted packaging that caught my eye. When I spoke with the brand's MD, I learned that they had deliberately taken a counter-intuitive approach to their branding in order to stand out from their competitors. This was music to my ears as it may seem obvious but is seldom done in practice.

I was deeply impressed by the energy and enthusiasm showcased at Foodex, especially by the start-ups and growing food businesses offering genuine innovation in food technology, healthy eating, low and no alcohol beverages, sustainable chocolate and snacks, plant-based meat alternatives, and green and eco-friendly packaging. While the industry certainly faces challenges, it's evident that there is still considerable potential for growth and innovation in the realm of food and drink.

Reflecting on the event, I feel inspired by the products and passion behind them, and motivated by the endless possibilities in the food and drink industry. Even in the most competitive markets, there are opportunities for businesses to thrive and succeed. 

One area to focus on would be developing conversation starters that allow these brands to unlock new opportunities. Many companies clearly had a story to tell, but hadn't yet developed a distinctive way to start the conversation.

SmartParc is an exciting and innovative new food business park that stands out from the typical retail development. They didn't settle for the usual approach of showcasing just the site and square footage details. Instead, they opted for a more creative approach that starts with an intriguing poster, sparks conversation, and reveals the unique story behind their offering.

Paul Brazier


SmartParc reimagines food production at FoodEX 2023


Building Better Brands with Breakthrough Thinking